Ah, September. We’ve hit that sweet spot where the back-to-school chaos has finally settled. The backpacks have mysteriously stopped disappearing, the morning rush feels slightly less like a relay race, and the smell of pumpkin spice is officially in the air. And you know what that means, right? It’s time to fully embrace fall and all its cozy, delicious, and fashionably fabulous glory. 

But let’s be real for a second, fellow moms. Fall is not just about scarves, booties, and pumpkin patches. (Though, yes, you’ll find me rocking my over-the-knee boots while wrangling a toddler at said pumpkin patch.) It’s also about feeding our little tribe something that isn’t frozen pizza... again. So, let’s talk fall recipes - those hearty, nutritious, and (here’s the real win) easy meals that make us feel like culinary goddesses without spending hours in the kitchen. Bonus points for using all that gorgeous seasonal produce.

Let me tell you a story about soup. Once upon a time, I tried to be “that mom” who made an elaborate dinner after a full day of work and momming. It ended with me tripping over a LEGO and spilling half a pot of soup on the floor. Lesson learned: simplicity is key.

Enter: Sweet Potato & Carrot Ginger Soup. It’s bright, it’s smooth, it’s packed with vitamins, and it pairs well with a cozy cashmere sweater. Plus, it’s orange, so my kids think it’s pumpkin. Win-win.

Recipe tip: Roast your veggies first for extra flavor. I know, I know, roasting seems fancy, but trust me. Throw sweet potatoes, carrots, and onions on a sheet pan, drizzle with olive oil, and let the oven do its thing while you catch up on an episode of your favorite guilty pleasure show. Once they're all roasted and toasty, blend with some ginger, veggie broth, and a splash of coconut milk for that velvety finish. You'll feel like Ina Garten, minus the Hamptons.

Have I mentioned the slow-cooker is basically my BFF? I throw stuff in, go about my day, and when I come back, dinner’s magically ready. It’s like having a personal chef who doesn’t complain when my toddler tries to “help” by adding a crayon.

One of my go-to’s is a Chicken and Butternut Squash Stew. Butternut squash is fall’s runway star. It’s like the oversized sweater of vegetables - versatile, comforting, and it hides the fact that I may or may not have just eaten a brownie.

Pro-tip: I use pre-cut squash because let’s be real, I don’t have time to play Edward Scissorhands with a giant gourd. Toss in some chicken thighs (way juicier than breasts, FYI), a can of diced tomatoes, garlic, a sprinkle of thyme, and let the slow-cooker do its magic. Six hours later, you'll have a savory stew that’s perfect for a busy weeknight, with zero chance of finding a LEGO in your dinner.  

Now, let’s talk snacks. My kids are like tiny snack monsters, always on the prowl. So, I try to have something homemade on hand, even if it means bribing them with screen time so I can bake. Enter: Apple Cinnamon Muffins. 

One year, I ambitiously planned to go apple picking. The result? An entire trunk full of apples that I had no idea what to do with. So, I channeled my inner Martha Stewart and started baking everything apple. These muffins? Definitely a keeper.

Mom hack: Swap half the flour with almond flour and cut the sugar by half (the apples are sweet enough!). You’ll have a protein-packed muffin that you can snack on guilt-free while wearing that chunky knit sweater that hides the aftermath of mom life. Plus, the house will smell like a Pinterest fall fantasy - no candle required.

Here’s the thing, mom life is a beautiful, chaotic dance between trying to nourish your family and keeping your sanity. These fall recipes? They’re not just delicious and nutritious; they’re designed with you in mind. They can be prepped ahead, require minimal babysitting, and give off major “I’ve got my life together” vibes - even when, let’s be honest, none of us do all the time. 

And if all else fails, remember: A sprinkle of cinnamon on anything makes it fall-approved, even if it’s just a PB&J you threw together because someone “didn’t like” the soup you lovingly prepared. Just throw on a cute scarf, sip your PSL, and remind yourself that you’re doing amazing, sweetie. 🍁

There you have it, ladies! A few of my go-to family-healthy fall recipes that are as stylish as they are simple. What are your favorite fall recipes? Let’s swap ideas (and survival stories) in the comments! 


P.S. The recipes to my faves are below 🍁🍁 Enjoy!

Chicken and Butternut Squash Stew


- 1 ½ lbs chicken thighs (boneless, skinless)

- 4 cups butternut squash (peeled and cubed)

- 1 can (14.5 oz) diced tomatoes

- 1 onion, diced

- 2 cloves garlic, minced

- 2 cups low-sodium chicken broth

- 1 tsp thyme (dried or fresh)

- ½ tsp smoked paprika

- Salt and pepper to taste

- 1 tbsp olive oil (optional)


1. If you're in a rush, use pre-cut butternut squash. Otherwise, peel, seed, and cube it.

2. Sauté (optional): Heat olive oil in a skillet over medium heat and quickly brown the chicken thighs for about 2-3 minutes per side. This step adds flavor but is totally skippable if you're short on time.

3. Slow Cooker: Add the browned chicken, squash, diced tomatoes, onion, garlic, chicken broth, thyme, smoked paprika, and salt & pepper to your slow cooker. Give everything a good stir.

4. Set your slow cooker to low and cook for 6-7 hours (or high for 3-4 hours), until the chicken is tender and the butternut squash is soft.

5. Before serving, remove the chicken thighs, shred with a fork, and stir them back into the stew.

6. Ladle into bowls and enjoy! Optional: sprinkle with fresh parsley or a dash of red pepper flakes for some heat.

Tip: This stew freezes beautifully, so double the recipe and save half for a busy weeknight when you just can’t deal!

Sweet Potato & Carrot Ginger Soup


- 2 large sweet potatoes, peeled and chopped

- 4 large carrots, peeled and chopped

- 1 onion, chopped

- 3 cloves garlic, minced

- 1 tbsp fresh ginger (grated) or 1 tsp ground ginger

- 3-4 cups vegetable broth (depending on desired thickness)

- 1 can (14 oz) coconut milk

- 1 tbsp olive oil

- Salt and pepper to taste

- Optional: a squeeze of fresh lime juice, a dash of cumin, or cayenne for extra flavor


1. Preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C). Spread the chopped sweet potatoes, carrots, and onion on a baking sheet. Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Roast for 20-25 minutes until the veggies are tender and slightly caramelized.

2. In a large pot, sauté the garlic and ginger in a bit of olive oil for about 1 minute, just until fragrant.

3. Add the roasted veggies to the pot. Pour in 3 cups of the vegetable broth and use an immersion blender to blend until smooth. (Or transfer everything to a blender, working in batches.)

4. Once blended, stir in the coconut milk and bring to a gentle simmer. If the soup is too thick, add more broth until you reach your desired consistency.

5. Taste and adjust seasoning with salt, pepper, and a squeeze of lime juice for brightness. If you want extra warmth, a dash of cumin or cayenne goes a long way!

6. Ladle the soup into bowls and garnish with fresh herbs (like cilantro) or a swirl of coconut milk for that Instagram-worthy finish.

Pro Tip: Make a double batch and freeze the extra for those chilly fall nights when you just want something comforting with minimal effort.